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Monday, January 28, 2013

Live Task How to get User Defined Fields within a Custom List Type using SharePoint 2010 Event Reiever

public override void ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties properties)
           ArrayList ArrColumnNames = new ArrayList();
           ArrayList ArrOldValues = new ArrayList();
           ArrayList ArrNewValues = new ArrayList();

           SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
           for (int i = 0; i <= properties.List.Fields.Count - 1; i++)
               if (!properties.List.Fields[i].Hidden && !properties.List.Fields[i].ReadOnlyField && properties.List.Fields[i].Type != SPFieldType.Attachments && properties.List.Fields[i].Title != "Content Type")
                   if (item[properties.List.Fields[i].StaticName] != null)
                       string strColumnName= properties.List.Fields[i].StaticName.ToString();
                       if (item[strColumnName] != null)
                           string strColumnType = properties.List.Fields[i].Type.ToString();
                           if (strColumnType == "Text")
                           if (strColumnType == "Choice")
                           if (strColumnType == "Lookup")
                               SPFieldLookupValue value=new SPFieldLookupValue(item[strColumnName].ToString());
                               string srNewValueLookUp = (string)properties.AfterProperties[strColumnName].ToString();
                               SPFieldLookup lookup = (SPFieldLookup)properties.List.Fields[strColumnName];
                               Int32 singlelookupItemID = Convert.ToInt32(properties.AfterProperties[strColumnName]);
                               string strNewLookUpValue = properties.Web.Lists[new Guid(lookup.LookupList)].GetItemById(singlelookupItemID)[lookup.LookupField].ToString();

                           if (strColumnType == "DateTime")
           string strColumnHeaderTitle = "";
           string strDynamicContent = "";
           string strNewModifiedData = "";
           string strOldModifiedData = "";
           string strCurrentUserName = properties.UserDisplayName;
           DateTime strCurrentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today);
           ArrayList ArrModifiedColumnValues = new ArrayList();
           ArrayList ArrModifiedDynamicData = new ArrayList();
           ArrayList ArrNonModifiedColumnValues = new ArrayList();
           ArrayList ArrNonModifiedDynamicData = new ArrayList();
           for (int j = 0; j < ArrOldValues.Count; j++)
               strColumnHeaderTitle += ArrColumnNames[j].ToString()+"||";
               strDynamicContent += ArrOldValues[j].ToString()+"||";
               string strOldValue = ArrOldValues[j].ToString();
               string strNewValue = ArrNewValues[j].ToString();

               if (strOldValue != strNewValue)
           strNewModifiedData += "<Table width='100%' celpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' bgcolor='Red'>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' Align='Center'>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Strong>";
           strNewModifiedData += "New Data";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Strong>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' bgcolor='Red'>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           for (int l = 0; l < ArrModifiedColumnValues.Count; l++)
               strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
               strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
               strNewModifiedData += ArrModifiedColumnValues[l].ToString();
               strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
               strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
               strNewModifiedData += ArrModifiedDynamicData[l].ToString();
               strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
               strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "Modified By";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += strCurrentUserName;
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "Modified Date";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += strCurrentDate.ToShortDateString();
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "List Name";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += properties.List.Title.ToString();
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "Item ID";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += properties.ListItem.ID.ToString();
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' bgcolor='Red'>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strNewModifiedData += "</Table>";
           strNewModifiedData += "<Br />";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Table width='100%' celpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' bgcolor='Red'>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' Align='Center'>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Strong>";
           strOldModifiedData += "Old Data";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Strong>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' bgcolor='Red'>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           for (int m = 0; m < ArrNonModifiedColumnValues.Count; m++)
               strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
               strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
               strOldModifiedData += ArrNonModifiedColumnValues[m].ToString();
               strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
               strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
               strOldModifiedData += ArrNonModifiedDynamicData[m].ToString();
               strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
               strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "Modified By";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += strCurrentUserName;
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "Modified Date";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += strCurrentDate.ToShortDateString();
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "List Name";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += properties.List.Title.ToString();
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "Non Modified Item ID";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += properties.ListItem.ID.ToString();
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "<Td Colspan='2' bgcolor='Red'>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Td>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Tr>";
           strOldModifiedData += "</Table>";
           string strBindNewData = strNewModifiedData;
           string strBindOldData = strOldModifiedData;

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