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Monday, November 28, 2011

Document ID Feature in SharePoint 2010.

Document ID:

This is a new feature in Sharepoint 2010.

There is some inconsistency in Sharepoint 2007 Document Management which are resolved by Sharepoint 2010.

In Moss

1.There is no Unique ID for the Documents.

2.The Documents are referred by the location where they present(i.e if we want to retrieve the document in a library we need to give the path of the library and rootfolder etc etc).

So If we move this document to another location we need to change the path/code to retrieve it.

In Sharepoint 2010

1.Docuement contains Unique number.We can assign numbering in differnt formats.

2. Document keeps its UniqueId across sites,sitecollections and Webapplications too.

Implementation Steps:
1.Site Actions--> Site Settings--->Select Site Collection Features under Site Collection Administration category:
2.You will be able to see a Feature called Document ID Service. Activate it. Ref figue below.

3.Upload a document to the Document Libary and then you will find a new unique Document Id(Not the Id which reference to library). Refer below fig( I uploaded a document named TestMPC.docx to the Shared Documents)

Here the generated Document Id is : FZTVS7J5YPAK-1-30

4.Now you can get the document by using this Id instead giving the total path like(http://yoursite/xyz/Shared%20Documents/TestMPC.docx)


5.Even if this Document moved to any other Folder or library we can retrieve this by using this URL only.

6.For Docuement ID setttings

Site Actions--> Site Settings--->Select Documnet ID settings under Site Collection Administration category:

You will find these options here

Assign Document ID's:- If we chek this All Existing and new Documents will get an Id.

Begin Id's with the following characters :- This is a 4-12 Id u can give here so that sharepoint will add this no at end . like -1,-2 etc

Document Id Look Up Search Scope:   If you provide a search scope here, If you search the docuement by entering its Document Id it will directly open the document instead showing search results.( Here In my site search is not configured)

Hope you liked !!

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