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Monday, November 28, 2011

Rating Feature for Sharepoint 2010 Document Library

In 2010 a new feature is introduced for rating the documents in doc library..I will explain here how to rate the documents and what are things we need to set to get this feature...

Open the Document library(here my library name is BOOKS) which you want to set the rating feature.

Go for Doc Library Settings-->Rating Settings-->Select Yes under "Allow items in this list to be rated

Click Ok 
Then you will find the rating column in your document library as follows

Give Rating to the Docs(select the rating Stars.) You will notice that the rating will be applied.But upon refreshing the page ,the applied rating will be disappear.
This is due to By default the Timer Job(Social Rating Syncronization) related to this service is set to run for every hour. Instead if you want to change to minutes/some other you have to change the settings as follows

Central AdministrationàMonitoringà Select Review Job Definations

In that Select User Profile Service Application-Social Rating Synchronization Job

Then you will be navigated to the Timer Job Edit page
In Recurring Schedule section "This timer job is scheduled to run " Hourly by default. Change it to minutes (here i kept it to 2 mins)

Click on Run Now Button

Now go back to your document library  and give rating to a document

It works ..

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