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Monday, November 28, 2011

Records Center in SharePoint 2010

Hi Guys,

In this post I am going to explain a basic level of the Record Management concept in Sharepoint 2010.Records Management by name itself “Managing the Records”. We can say It is an approach or a way to manage the records in a flexible fashion for further needs. For example I have 100 docs in my library, I need to send some of these docs to another specified location for archival purpose (like a storage).We will use this process to achieve this.
In Simple my aim is : I should be able to send my docs to another Location(Here Records Center).

Here are the steps to implement this

Here I am sending the docs in my Shared documents to Records Center

Select a document and click on Send To Option as below, You will not find any location(record center) to send

For  this I am going to create a site using Records Center template

Go to site Actions-->New Site-->Select Records Center

Give Title and Url
Title : MPC Records Center
Url : http://MyServername:port/MPCRecordCenter/default.aspx

The Record Center Creation is Now done.

I need to send my documents in Shared Documents to this Records Center. For this I need to set a communication path between these so go for

Central Administration-->General Application Settings-->Under External Service ConnectionsConfigure send to Connections

Then you will be redirected to Configure Send To Connections Page

Select the webApplication (where you have Shared document ), Check the Allow sites to send to connections outside the site subscription(if u need) and in Send To Connections

In Connection Settings section give the following

Display Name : give a display name what you want to appear when a document is selected “Send To” Menu option (Here I am giving MPCRecordsCenter)

Send To URL : Give the URL of the Records Center Which we have created earlier(http://MyServername:port/MPCRecordCenter/default.aspx)

Check the box allow manual submission from send to menu

Send To Action : Copy, Move, Move and Leave a Link

Here I am selected Copy (When I am sending (using “Send To” option) the document to record center I don’t want to remove from Shared documents. If you select Move it will be moved to Records Center and disappears in Shared documents)

Explanation : Just give a small desc..

Click on Add Connection Button. A connection will be established to the Document Library and the Record Center which we created earlier.

So go for our Shared Documents and click on a document (here Book3.docx) and select “Send To” option from the context menu. You will find the Record Center name (MPCRecordCenter) which we have created earlier

Click on it. It will pop up saying “Do u want to copy this doc to MPCRecord Center”. Click OK. A page will be opened with the status and Url of the copied document in Record Center. Click on that link (or Check the Record Center ‘s Drop-off Library , you will find this document.)

There are different methods and scenarios to manage the records using records center. Here I have explained just basic level of Record Management. For further information go to these links

Source Links:

Enjoy Reading..!

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