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Monday, November 28, 2011

Workflow Quick Step in Ribbon

What is a QuickStep:

"This is a button in the Ribbon with which you can initiate the designer workflow".
 This will be very useful when you have

1. A work flow for the item which need to start manually and
2. The selection of a particular workflow among other workflows which associated for the item

As name itself you can initiate the workflow quickly by avoiding some of the usual steps.

Steps to create a QuickStep:

1.  I have created a custom list called “Products”

2. Added the columns Quantity (of type number) and Description (of type single line of text)

Add some test entries in to the list like this

Now I am going to create a workflow with Quickstep in ribbon for this list.

Select List tab from List Tools Category in the Ribbon .And select the Quickstep as shown below from the ribbon .

Sharepoint designer will be open with the below window

Fill the details. Here I am creating a new workflow.(Instead you can start the existed workflow tooSelect start a new workflow option).

Button Label: This is the text which will appear on the button.

Button Image: This is the Background image for the button (here I am selecting a picture sharepoint 2010 logo from my picture library).

Taskes some time to process

A workflow will be created with the name “Button-DemoQuickStep”

Add the conditions and actions (as usual) .Here I m setting a condition as If my quantity greater than 5 I am updating my description field to the “The quantity is more than 5”. 

Then Click Publish

Open the Products List. Then add a new item

A Item will be created.


Select the Items tab in List tools part in Ribbon. You will find the Button in the ribbon with the name DemoQuickstep as we given in previous steps

Select the created item and click on the Demo QuickStep button


Start the WorkFlow. Then the workflow will be run and the description will be changed as we mentioned in workflow action.

So..In this way we can create a quickstep button to start the workflow.

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